Welcome to MITA and its Governance Board
The purpose of this repository is to re-introduce MITA 3.0 Framework to states and keep stakeholders abreast of the work being done by the MITA Governance Board (MGB).
MITA 3.0 is the latest major release of MITA, a framework and an initiative to establish national guidelines for technologies, information, and processes that will enable a standard approach to Informational Technology (IT) implementations for state Medicaid Enterprise Systems. MITA is included in sub-regulatory guidance to ensure state Medicaid IT projects align with national-level program goals and best practices.
What's New
MGB Newsletter, October 2024
MITA Logo Contest winner!
Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry for the MITA logo contest. We had over 30 entries from which the MITA Governance Board voted on to select 4 finalists. These finalists were presented at MESC for attendees to vote on; thanks to everyone who voted! The winning entry was submitted by Nazeem Sabo at Accentra Health:

This logo will be used for MITA 4.0 and future versions.
MITA 4.0 poster!Upcoming Events
2025 State HIT Connect Summit
- Streamlining Prior Authorizations
- CMS Mandate
- EHR Integration
- MITA Support